Thursday, December 2, 2010

People who live with the world , know the world.

One of the joys of living in the country is you meet people whose attitude to the earth is one of daily respect - they don't have to be lectured to about the lessons -to live with the earth is to love it .
A wonderful local lady gave me these loosely translated sayings from her father who was a small farmer in Italy .
"If you always take and never replenish , even the ocean will vanish "
" He who wants to eat with a full mouth will end up choking " 
We were talking about one way to decsribe a true conservationist is soemone who knows how to enjoy the earth's abundance when it occurs and when to conserve things for the times when things are short . No quick fix here - just planning .

Why change the badge ?

Many people who know me don't like me criticizing the Greens ( A political  party ) as opposed to the grassroots party of whom I am a member. Infact , at the recent election in Victoria 3 of us were there to stop the Green Party from dominating the discussion on green politics . The Green party do not own green issues any more that Family First owns family issues. Minor parties have a role in highlighting issues and to that extent their names are important . Family first came along when the Liberal party could only seem to see " business"
We 3 amigos were there to reduce the influence of a new coalition of compromise and together we got 9% of the vote - we were very pleased - A higher % than the Greens ,. The people voted for us .
So can the Liberals be trusted with the environment ? Can any party be trusted with the environment ? . Note what liberal means in this context . That's why we should all consider voting minor party first NEXT ELECTION .
In our democracy the person should come first and the party badge second . Beware of labels and sticking religiously to one of them !

Time for true Liberals to be the best at matters of Environment

Victorians in Australia said in a recent election that they had enough of Green Party politiking. They resisted the assumption by that party that they were infact the best party at moving Australia forward on matters of earth care and other matters of the heart .
The Labor parties alliance with Greens has cost them votes,  so where is the Greenlabor coalition going to go ?- Some of us who practice conservation professionally say Green party politics will continue to decline because it takes neither the environment in practice nor the people seriously . The agendas that the Greens are really serious about is now up to them to show .
Meanwhile,  its the Libs turn to show they are more than just justifiers of all things business and able to find a way through to a small government libertarian  response to risk questions that is credible . They can't do it alone and they would mad to try .